Let’s start a wise journey and live a blissful life.

How Do I Make Decisions?

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Everyone has different ways of making decisions. Well, in my case, I go with my gut feeling. I see what feels right to me and ask myself can I own and stand by whatever the outcomes are? So I try to do those things through which I can say that it seems right to me, and I did this. On the other hand, I try to avoid the decision where I don’t even know why I did this because I don’t want to be in a position where I don’t know the reason behind my decision. So that’s why I’ve to make sure that whatever decision I make, it’s something I can stand by and own. And it makes decision-making easy for me as I don’t owe anyone an explanation for my decisions.

For example, if I’m going to buy something, I’ll ask these four questions to myself:

  1. Can I afford it?
  2. Do I need this thing?
  3. If I don’t buy this thing, can I live without it?
  4. Does it harm someone in any possible way?

Thus, this will keep you straight in line and converts the hard decision-making process into a more facile one.

Is It Important to Understand Yourself?

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Here is the thing, when you understand yourself, then it’s not difficult to understand others. I think I will move forward knowing that people’s actions toward me have nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with them, who they are, what they believe in, and what’s going on in their minds. So there is no point in worrying about that, taking offense to that, or feeling guilty about it.

Just like that, all my actions have everything to do with me. There are many points in life where we take the actions of other people towards us as like I’ve done something that’s why they are doing this with me, I’ve said something that’s why that person treats me like this. I feel like we don’t realize that we address the notions inside us, which is why our actions are questionable and ridiculous.

Understanding Relationships

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To understand the relationships, it’s important to know that not every relationship is the same. Each relationship is built on different dynamics, and we’ve to move with them accordingly. You’ll be too self-centered if you take each relationship the same way. You need to understand that every human being you’re interacting with is totally different. Every person needs an extra level of energy from you. And your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

Even if you’re sitting with your family, you need to be aware of whether I should discuss this particular thing with this family member or not (it can be anything). It’s not because you’re being sly or you’re being calculated. You must know that this thing works there and it doesn’t work here. And that’s how you make relationships work by understanding the dynamics and what works for that dynamic. You’re meant to be surrounded by people who truly understand you and would be there for you any time of your life – those who support you and stand by you. That’s very important.

Privacy ~ A Must Have

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Privacy is vital for me to function normally – to tell the two apart that this is my professional and personal life. And how I’m in my professional life is very different from how I’m in my personal life. I need to maintain my sanity by knowing that my personal life has to remain private. There’s no competition because nobody can be me.

I’m not a person who is comfortable with sharing everything with everyone. I want to spin like that. I have always been the kind who wouldn’t easily open up to people. Because staying private and staying quiet is my strength. We’re often put in tough spots where we have to be like, ok, do I get offended here, do I respond to this or ignore this? But I think that is when you’ve to decide for yourself that this is personal to me and I would like to keep this to myself. And I appreciate people who respect that. People need to create boundaries for themselves for a peaceful life.

Let’s Never Stop the Process of Self-Growth

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So here, in my case, I like being myself, I love being myself, and I enjoy spending time with myself. I like researching things that seem interesting to me, and for all of that, I need time. I need time by myself. I like sitting and reflecting upon just everything. And this keeps the urge to develop myself always running wild in me.

Moreover, there are things that you keep discovering about yourself with time that helps you to grow. You can never put yourself in a box and say this is me. Remember that change is constant; if you don’t evolve with that change, you’ll be stagnant. The most common problem in all of us is “arrested development.” We come to a certain point and stop developing ourselves. We think this is where I want to come, and now I’m here, so I’m complete. No. This is wrong. You must develop yourself and learn a variety of things every single day. Personal development is like; some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen. And remember, you’ll never make it if you care what others think. So keep growing and be happy!

“Chaos” in Detail

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Chaos is an exciting phenomenon—instead, a particular flow of energy. With a lack of particularity in its manifestation and a sense of uncertainty at its core, it’s something that always remains unique and ever-evolving. Something that the algorithms cannot predict and forecasts cannot see. Something that power structures do not and cannot account for. It’s something transcendent in its nature, destructive when it’s formless and unstoppable when it’s harnessed. It’s the zenith of all energy.

Grasping the Concept of Life

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Life is unpredictable. You never know what you’re going to get. It gives you a humbling experience, to say the least, that we all must learn to accept. On the flip side, God sometimes sent a software update that makes us feel like we’ll come out of it lighter on our feet with our faith stronger than before, meticulously garnished with a dollop of patience.

I don’t think we would have stopped if the universe hadn’t bought difficulties for us. There are times in life when our loyal great friend chaos took some time off. And we begin to make friends with peace, with ourselves and a pace which used to make us comfortable. Here’s to new friendships, learnings, and gratitude. In some cases, you need terrible things to occur — to inspire you to change and develop.

Life isn’t reasonable. It never was, isn’t currently, and won’t ever be. Don’t fall into the trap, the entitlement trap, of feeling like you’re a victim. You’re not. The universe is filled with right and wrong; that distinction is not hard to make. During your tough times, your actual power will uncover itself.

Learn to Respect Others’ Opinions

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Before you contend with somebody, ask yourself, is that individual even intellectually mature enough to grasp the idea of alternate points of view? Because if not, there’s absolutely no point.

Second, know that it’s possible to coexist in a space with someone without agreeing with them. We’re constantly searching for certainty in the world, but sometimes it just isn’t there. Learning to live in this grey area is essential. Rather than trying to change people’s minds, aim to affect their beliefs through your actions. You can still love them, even if there’s one area in which you wish they’d rethink.

The other thing I’ve seen is how much individuals care about their stance and how personally attacked they feel if you question it. As someone whose favorite word is ‘why?’, this has caused me more than a few problems. It happens in my personal life, too.

Let’s Act and Respect others’ Opinions and Perspectives

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  1. Begin with an open mind. Be happy to get opposing thoughts and discover the worldview of people you disagree with.
  2. Search for a shared view or look for common ground. Every human being is valuable, regardless of their opinions or worldview. Figure out how to see everybody with affection, and afterward, search for ways you two can interface on a more profound level.
  3. Listen intently. With the ascent of internet-based life, listening has nearly become an under-appreciated skill. Furthermore, it’s significantly harder to tune in face to face. We hear people speaking, but are we listening? Or are we just thinking about what we will say next? Stop thinking about your argument whether you agree; instead, focus on what the other person is saying. Please pay attention to their emotions and their tone.
  4. Look for comprehension and seek understanding. Instead of questioning the validity of the other person’s opinions or beliefs, ask questions and be curious.

Images Source: Unsplash

As seen on:

  1. https://interact.pk/life-wisdom
  2. https://issuu.com/hamnaqasim90/docs/life___wisdom.docx
  3. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/life-wisdom-hamna-qasim/?published=t
  4. https://medium.com/@HamnaQasim/life-wisdom-db400547a367