Pollution of Water: Eutrophication

Pollution of Water: Eutrophication

The Causes of Oxygen Depletion Image Source: braininjury-explanation.com All living organisms depend on water supply and many of them live in water. Most of these aquatic animals respire aerobically and so require oxygen from their environment. Any change that alters...
How Water Loves Nanotubes?

How Water Loves Nanotubes?

I do love water, I love to surf, swim, and even drink water. Do you know why? Because ⅔ of my body is water. According to research, water is weird. Although it is fundamental to our lives and fortunately 70% of the planet is covered with water, unfortunately, just 1%...
The Ultimate Guide to the Biological Catalysts

The Ultimate Guide to the Biological Catalysts

Enzymes are proteins in nature that function as biological catalysts. They speed up the reaction and remain unchanged. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the substance that decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) if it is left at room temperature for a period of time....
Uses of Enzymes

Uses of Enzymes

Uses of Enzymes in Seed Germination Seeds grow into plants by germinating. This involves enzymes breaking the materials stored in the seed down to be used in the growth, energy, and building of cells. The seed contains stored substances such as: Starch The amylase...
The Wonders of Palm Oil

The Wonders of Palm Oil

History Palm oil is an edible oil derived from the fruit of oil palm trees. It has had many uses, for example, as food and medicine, for more than 5000 years. It is the first-ever product to be traded among various countries. Demand for palm oil increased during the...