From the days of yore, the joint family system is coming through the ages. All older people and their children (more than one generation) live together. For the respect of elders, everyone accepts their decisions and shows dignity to them. On top of that, everyone is equally involved in the sorrow and happiness of each other.


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In such form of a family system, every member:

  1. is expected to make some financial contribution
  2. share common rights in the household property
  3. make efforts to safeguard the property
  4. cooperate, deference, and support each other
  5. Eat the food together, and
  6. make their expenses from the prevalent fund

What does a Joint Family Demand?

What does a Joint Family Demands?
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Living in a joint family demands sacrifices, compromises, and apologies. It’s not a demand but a requirement and needs for a happy family. Whatever you want, you have to do the same for everyone. Moreover, you must maintain equality, tolerate everything, and care for your family to maintain a peaceful environment. It’s not easy to deal with everyone equally, but rather an arduous task. So, everyone should cooperate and don’t feel superior to each other.

Family Members with Differences

Family Members with Differences
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But, as time passed, the race to earn more money began, and the idea of the joint family system almost ended. Nowadays, if there is more than one family in a house, and additionally with a difference in their income, the one with low income develops an inferiority complex and the other with high income turns into a megalomaniac. This difference in their income leads to the feeling of envy and differences in relations. Their behavior starts to change. The family who earns more has a luxurious lifestyle, leading to psychological issues in other families.

Problems Caused by Differences

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If we put all these factors in mind, so, these states that due to these differences, it’s difficult for everyone to live together. This might affect the children as their needs and wishes are not fulfilled with a low income, so they start stealing, speaking lies, using drugs, and being involved in other illegal things.


The disunion of families was evident in the joint families themselves. It transpires when munificence, charity, and fellow-feeling feelings are not balanced by vigorous moral line, character, and farsightedness. A joint family can be run prosperously if the members remain committed. The feeling of togetherness and altruism is the essence of the joint family.

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