Factors for a Positive Life

Factors for a Positive Life

Typical Minds Image Source: Unsplash.com It really bothers me like the whole mindset and everything the way our society thinks and talks. Our society does really influence you because if you look at an owl in one country, it was like stupid, but in some other...


Improving yourself is one of the essential factors to living a positive life. Your life is too good if you have a positive mindset. If you’re working on changing depraved habits, corrupt thought patterns, negative emotions, or toxic behavior, know that you are curing...
Recolour Your Soul by Yourself

Recolour Your Soul by Yourself

Your Relationship with Yourself Let’s start talking about the relationship you have with yourself. So who is on social media? Who uses Facebook? Have you ever put your relationship status ‘complicated’? My relationship with myself was so complicated....