Carbohydrates ~ What are they?

Carbohydrates ~ What are they?

Now, what are carbohydrates? Is sugar a carbohydrate? Yep. What about starch? Well, starch is also part of the carbohydrates. Fibre? Fibre is also part of the carbohydrates, but a special kind, as we’ll see. We’ll start by looking at the chemistry of...
Pollution of Water: Eutrophication

Pollution of Water: Eutrophication

The Causes of Oxygen Depletion Image Source: All living organisms depend on water supply and many of them live in water. Most of these aquatic animals respire aerobically and so require oxygen from their environment. Any change that alters...
The Ultimate Guide to the Biological Catalysts

The Ultimate Guide to the Biological Catalysts

Enzymes are proteins in nature that function as biological catalysts. They speed up the reaction and remain unchanged. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the substance that decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) if it is left at room temperature for a period of time....
Uses of Enzymes

Uses of Enzymes

Uses of Enzymes in Seed Germination Seeds grow into plants by germinating. This involves enzymes breaking the materials stored in the seed down to be used in the growth, energy, and building of cells. The seed contains stored substances such as: Starch The amylase...
The Stomach and the Brain In A Relationship

The Stomach and the Brain In A Relationship

Chemicals Secreted With Emotions Imagine you have just won 10$ million or eaten the most delicious, warm chocolate brownie ever baked! In these situations, the brain secretes the neurotransmitter chemicals, giving the feeling of energy, excitement, and happiness. And...